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Jul 28, 2017

SEO Basics: Different Types of Keywords

Securing SEO services is crucial in pursuing the digital success of a company. The quality of SEO services determines the course of your brand’s online pursuits. Hence, it is imperative that you avail only the best SEO services to ensure that your brand remains on top of the competition.

Types of Keywords

Mystech Dynamics, Inc. is one of the leading providers of the best SEOservices in the country. With us, you can ensure that all plans are carefully executed. Our team banks on research in determining the latest trends and developments in the field. One of the most important parts of search engine optimization (SEO) that our team eyes on is keyword development. There aredifferent types of keywords utilized in the field of SEO. Read on to find out.

Different Types of Keywords

      1.       Market-defining Keywords
These are the most common type of keywords. Market-defining keywords are broad and generic terms and phrases used by your target audience when searching about your brand or industry. For instance, if you are in the photography and graphic design industry, the possible market-defining keywords you can choose from are:
·         photography services;
·         graphic design; and
·         photography and graphic design.

      2.       Customer-defining Keywords
Customer-defining keywords are the terms and phrases used by your target market to define themselves. Two questions will guide you in determining customer-defining keywords:
a.       What does your target audience call themselves?
b.      How does your target market call other people belonging to the same group?
Using customer-defining keywords helps in framing your website based on your potential client’s interest. Furthermore, these keywords are helpful in establishing a connection with your target market. For instance, if your business is about photography, the possible keywords included in your list are:
·         model;
·         blogger; and
·         brand ambassador.

      3.       Product Keywords
These are terms and phrases that pertain to the products and services that your company offers. Product keywords are good starting points for blog post content creation. These are keywords that online searchers use when looking for a particular product or service. Businesses in the photography industry may have the following set of keywords:
·         photography services Philippines;
·         advertising photography services; and
·         commercial photography services.

      4.       Related Vertical Keywords
Related vertical keywords are terms and phrases that are closely or somehow related to your company and industry. These keywords are used by companies that your brand might want to partner with. Sample related vertical keywords for photography services providers are:
·         food advertising;
·         corporate photography; and
·         printing services.

      5.       Geo-targeted Keywords
Geo-targeted keywords help in elevating your brand’s ranking and targeting potential local clients. Using geo-targeted keywords is an effective technique to reach and influence potential customers. For instance, if you want to target customers in specific areas in the metro, the possible keywords are:
·         photography services Makati;
·         advertising photography Philippines; and
·         photography services Manila.

      6.       Industry Thought Leaders
Industry thought leaders are well-known individuals or groups in your industry. These are the influential people who can help uncover PR and interview opportunities to help you attract more customers to your site. Connecting with industry thought leaders is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge about the field and set the tone for your business's online ventures.

      7.       Competing Company Names
Competing company names are used to determine how customers treat other companies similar in the same industry. Identifying your competition helps in formulating better strategies to level up your digital pursuits.
·         Brand 1 Photography
·         Brand 2 Photography
·         Brand 3 Photography and Graphic Design

An excellent SEO services provider understands that keywords are essential elements of digital marketing. Partner with Mystech Dynamics, Inc., the best SEO services provider, to secure your brand’s online credibility. 

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